On Diversity - Hillol
Ray |
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Diversity: four poems
Clouds in the sky have different shade -
They glow in lights, either dim or fade !
Suddenly new ones come and cloak the air,
To renew our visions and make things fair !
Rainbows are born among the light and rain -
To soothe viewer's eyes and remove all pain !
Life bathes in motion to plant the new seeds,
And waits for creatures with creative deeds !
This goes on and on since the ancient days,
And people just flock, like bright sun rays !
We know, color or creed works as a dam -
To promote any progress, or create a jam !
No one gains through the screeching halt,
'Cause faith is taken with a grain of salt !
But removal of notions may clear the way,
And build the bridge that will never sway !
So, let us all now blend our ethnic voice,
To kill any prejudice, or color of choice !
Progress via Diversity: let it be the key -
Around the globe, from heaven to sea !!!
Storm in a Tea Cup
I woke up in the morning to drink some tea -
But suddenly I noticed a strange honey bee !
She was buzzing all over the room,
So I picked up a long yellow broom !
Soon I chased her out but she stung my face,
'Cause she was mad to follow a broom race !
Out of fear, I jumped on a too small table,
When my leg slipped and broke the TV cable !
Tea was spilled and I got a strong hiccup,
What a mishap ! A storm in a tea cup !!!!
Indigenous Peoples: The Fabric of Global Humanity
Historians of all ages agree that the colonization
Construed the violation of human rights-
While the New World saw the racism,
Massacres, starvation, and the "Indian fights"!
Such practices today, known as the ethnic cleansing
And genocide, are still going on-
And seem appalling 'cause subjugation
Was legally sanctioned from dusk until dawn!
As per indigenous law, indigenous interests
Can hold native title with restrictive clause-
While the law introduced by Euro immigrants
Obscures native title via excuses and flaws!
Indigenous peoples were truly marginalized
Without allowing them any turn around time-
By dominant descendents of Europeans
Who valued indigenous lives with nickel or dime!
The harshness of this fallacy caused some people
To disappear or become victims of race-
And still feel separation from their lands
While allowing sadness to permeate global face!
Indigenous peoples, forcibly separated from their heritage,
Continue to tackle the fears-
Of poverty and marginalization, loss of culture
And language, followed by trail of tears!
Social problems like alcoholism and suicide
Are creeping in to suppress the hidden pain-
Among the indigenous peoples, lying below
The social structures, and without any gain!
Threatening from political upheavals and
Civil wars are creating tantrums in their mind-
While modern conservation policies protect the animals,
But keep these humans behind!
Being driven out of homeland, they became unable
To lead life in their traditional way-
And facing hardship with assimilation
While modern world is not fast enough to sway!
Language, religion or cultural beliefs of theirs
Are object of ridicule and found in the tale-
While the values, inherent to their knowledge,
Is unrecognized and going down to hell!
To curb down discrimination against them,
My pen is scribbling under moonlit night-
And vows to draw global attention
To their problems before they become out-of-sight!
I appeal to the "dominant community"
To embrace them with passions and heartfelt love-
And allow them to live as fabric of global humanity
With blessings from the Lord above!
Well, as I conclude with my thoughts,
I can view a glittering star on the horizon now-
And hear a whisper from the United Nations
That stands ready with its' priority vow!
The progress towards reconciliation is a necessity
To enforce the rules without a flaw-
While violators of human rights must be punished
To show that no one is above the law!!
ICC**: The Beacon of Human Rights (HR)
To end impunity for the most heinous crimes
Under international law, the reality is here-
Through the birth of ICC the humanity has achieved
A milestone and is so proud to share!
The unequivocal message emerging from ICC
Will control the abuses of human rights-
While the international humanitarian law
Will ask the perpetrator to end bloody fights!
An unflagging fearless determination to uphold
The cause of human rights will be the key-
Used by ICC, to protect the poor, oppressed
And victims of injustice, from heaven to sea!
The rules will be deployed impartially to promote
The justice wherever it finds the need-
Even under the shadow of desperate situation,
Created by terror or an abominable deed!
Vigilance is essential, and security shouldn't be
Achieved by sacrificing the human rights-
While respect for democracy and social justice
Will prove prophylactic against any fights!
So ICC is too proud to rejoice for its ability
To strengthen the moral conscience or power-
And will protect the innocent victims of vicious violence
Directed from the unseen tower!
Any small sacrifice of basic freedoms in the battle
Against human rights is totally wrong-
And efforts are needed to promote tolerance,
Followed by harmony, as a melodious song!
Violence should never be accepted by members
Of one belief against another at any time-
Rather, we must elevate our global humanity
At a higher level, and punish the war crime!
Let us remember that diversity gives the human species
Its splendor and there's no doubt-
While moral clarity or intellectual accuracy
Are needed in each judgment to stop a shout!
So, I admire the efforts of ICC, and am sure,
It will be the beacon of human rights-
By focusing its thoughts to humanitarian law
And bring our future bathed in lights!!
** The International Criminal Court (ICC) will be
a permanent court for trying individuals' accused
of committing genocide, war crimes and crimes
against humanity.
The ICC will enter into force on July 1, 2002 and be
established over the course of the next year.
This poem is being dedicated by the author as a goodwill
gesture towards ICC for its efforts to promote
the value of human rights (HR) -
Hillol Ray (HR), 04/14/2002
Ray, Poet Laureate, Author, and Song Writer, is an Environmental
Engineer/Manager of Drinking Water Supply Enforcement Program, with
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Dallas, Texas.

He has been writing
poetry since the age of six, in his native language "Bengali". His
poems are regularly published in Bengali magazines from Asia, Europe,
Canada, Sweden, and North America and are currently being translated
into English, Swedish, Spanish, German and French languages. Many
issues of "Six Country Reporter" at EPA in Dallas have also published
his English poems.
But one of his recent
poems, "Earth Day", has made him an "overnight" sensation. It was
read at several local observations, presented at a celebration in
Arizona, displayed by the Dallas Museum of Art, and has been published
worldwide. It also earned him letters of personal recognition from
President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Jr. and Indian Ambassador
S.S. Ray (no relation) in Washington, DC.
In addition, he has
received letters of personal appreciations for his poems from Madame
Francine Cousteau, President of the Cousteau Society, Inc. in Paris,
France, (and wife of world renowned Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau),
and also from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India. Recently his poems
"Old Wine in New Bottle", "Homogenization - A Millennium Dream" have
been selected as "Choice Poem" by the Australian Poetic Society.
His poems have been
displayed by the J.C. Penney, Inc., University of San Francisco in
California, Cultural Association of Bengal in New York, Southern Methodist
University in Dallas, TX; University of New Hampshire in Durham, New
Hampshire; Rangsit University in Thailand, Bangkok; NetFriends of
Tibet Site in Stockholm, Sweden; and also on the web pages of EPA
in Washington, DC, the Asian-American Village from Boston, Massachusetts,
and many other web sites from the USA and abroad.
Recently, the lyrics
from his poem "Diversity" have been included in the song album "Star
Route U.S.A." released by Amerecord from Hollywood, California. He
is frequently invited as a Guest Poet and Seminar Moderator by the
various cultural organizations, educational institutions, and public
and university libraries and has been interviewed by numerous television
His biography has been
published in the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership
(Eighth and Ninth Editions - published by American Biographical Institute,
Inc. from Raleigh, North Carolina), and poems have appeared in many
popular anthologies. To name a few, "The Crystal Prism" published
by the CGS Communications in Fort Worth, Texas; as well as "Edge of
Twilight", "Best Poems of the '90s", "A Delicate Balance", "Best Poems
of 1995", "Of Sunshine and Daydreams", "Essence of a Dream", "Through
the Looking Glass", "Best Poems of 1997", "Chambers of Time", "Beneath
A Rainbow", "Chasing the Wind", "A Painted Garden", "Melodies of The
Soul", "Verdant Lands of Spring", "Best Poems of 1998", "Fabric of
Life", "The Rustling Leaves", "Of Summer's Passing", "The Peace We
Knew", "The Promise of Dawn", and "Outstanding Poets of 1998", published
by the National Library of Poetry in Owings Mills, Maryland.
An interview
with Hillol Ray.
You can read more of his work at
© 2002 IP and the author
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